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Dreams & Visions

Jacob & Sons
Unity within Diversity

May 20-June 19, 2014
Mandel JCC
Cleveland, OH USA
part of Cleveland Jewish Arts and Culture Lab

We Don't Know What to Say E-mail

We Don't Know What to Say
St. Petersburg, Russia, 2006; Tel Aviv, Israel, 2010
collaboration with Joseph Connelly as Gordon & Gordon Art

We Don't Know What to Say was first performed in 2006 in St. Petersburg, Russia.  136 25hr candles with the words 'and we don't know what to say' (in Russian) printed on a sticker placed on the metal candle holder were distributed around the central part of St. Petersburg, Russia - along the streets, river and canals. Beginning at midnight, we lit a candle and then walked until the flame was barely visible and lit the next. The piece took 8 hours to complete, leaving a ring of light around the city.

In 2010 we performed this piece in Tel Aviv, Israel.  136 25hr candles with the words 'and we don't know what to say' (in Hebrew) were distributed around the central part of the city - along the streets, alleys, and sea shore. We began at 11 pm and finished 8 hours later.

Art Concept 3, Performance Festival, St Petersburg, Russia
Aug 2006

Comfort 13 Art Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel
Aug 2010

Gordon & Gordon Art, collaboration with Joseph Connelly


Meet the Sheep

Click here to see more about the sheep!
