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Dreams & Visions

Jacob & Sons
Unity within Diversity

May 20-June 19, 2014
Mandel JCC
Cleveland, OH USA
part of Cleveland Jewish Arts and Culture Lab

Give and Take E-mail

Give and Take
Zaz International Performance Festival
Haifa, Israel, December 2011
collaboration with Joseph Connelly as Gordon & Gordon Art

This durational performance was performed at the Zaz Festival in Haifa, Israel. We both wore houses sized, designed, and built specifically for each of us by Joseph. The houses were strapped on our backs. In our hands we had pans stenciled with the words 'Give' and 'Take.'

We walked through the streets of Haifa for about 4 hours soliciting money and offering money to people passing by. We started the piece with 40 shekels in change in the 'Take' container and zero in the 'Give,' and ended the performance with 16.65 in the 'Take' and 27.50NIS in the 'Give' container.



Meet the Sheep

Click here to see more about the sheep!
